President: K. Tsioufis (Greece)
Vice-President: E. Lurbe (Spain)
Secretary: R.Kreutz (Germany)
Treasurer: M. Bochud (Switzerland)
Officer-at-large: B. Jelakovic (Croatia) ESH Excellence Centres Programme
Immediate Past President: E. Agabiti Rosei (Italy)


M. Azizi (France) – ESH Hypertension Specialist Programme
C. Borghi (Italy) – Ex-officio ISH Representative
A. Januszewicz (Poland)
T. Kahan (Sweden)

D. Lovic (Serbia) – Ex-officio representative of the Presidents of ESH Affiliated Societies
J. Polonia (Portugal)
P. van de Borne (Belgium) – ESH Endorsement programme
B. Williams (U.K.)


G. Mancia (Italy) – Chair, ESH Educational Committee, ESH Foundation
G. Parati (Italy) – Coordinator Working Group Activities
D. Clement (Belgium) – ESH Representative for contacts with the EU Officers
A. Coca (Spain) – Representative for Latin America Relationships (ESH Latin America Association program)
A. Manolis (Greece) – Representative for Middle East Countries Relationships





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